KC environmental ltd

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Almost all types of development require planning permission, whether it is for a totally new project, or something as simple as changing hours of operation or adding some external plant, such as an air-conditioning unit. Noise can also be a Planning issue when noise-sensitive development is proposed in areas that are subject to high noise levels, or are likely to be subject to high noise levels in the future.  Current UK government guidance encourages the re-use of brownfield sites and these are often subject to higher noise levels than greenfield sites.

For large developments, it is often necessary to consider secondary effects, such as the impact of increased traffic on existing roads.  In some cases, a full Environmental Impact Assessment may also be required.  Through my network of associate consultants, I am able to offer expert advice on practically all environmental issues.

In most cases, consideration of noise and other environmental issues at an early stage of a project can prevent delays and additional cost when going through the planning process. Sometimes mitigation can be provided that will enable a scheme to secure planning permission, when it may otherwise be refused. Conditions are often attached to a planning permission, and these will frequently need to be discharged prior to construction or operation of the development. Noise and other environmental effects during the construction phase of a project may also need to be considered, especially for larger schemes.  For mixed-use developments, many or all of these issues can occur at the same time.

Noise is also sometimes the cause of complaint, either directly to the operator or to the local planning authority, and requires resolution.

I am able to offer advice on noise and other environmental effects relating to:

Homelands, Southgrove Road  |  Ventnor  |  PO38 1TN  |  England  |  m: +44  (0) 7766 338065  | e: admin@kcenvironmental.co.uk